Main Practice: 40 Walter Sisulu St, Middelburg, 1055

Practice Location: Highveld Eye Hospital

Practice Location: Life Piet Retief Hospital

Computer Vision Syndrome

Digital Eye Strain

If you‘re looking at screens all day whether for work or social media you might be at risk for computer vision syndrome, a condition that‘s becoming increasingly common. While it‘s not likely to cause permanent damage, it can still lead to some pretty unpleasant symptoms.

Computer vision syndrome, or digital eye strain, can cause symptoms like dry eyes, blurry vision, and headaches. You might also experience tech neck, or pain in your head, neck, and shoulders. Although screen time is an unavoidable part of our daily lives, there are ways to protect your eyes.

Adjust Room Lighting

You can avoid digital eye strain by making sure your device is the brightest light in the room. This will help reduce the amount of glare on the screen and the level of light around you.

You might want to consider increasing the brightness on your device when youre in a bright environment, like if youre at the office or outdoors. However, if youre in a dark room, you might want to lower the brightness. Additionally, cleaning your screen regularly can help eliminate dust and smudges that could make glare worse.

Take Breaks Regularly

It is beneficial to take regular breaks throughout the day to allow your eyes to rest. The 202020 rule is a good guideline to follow: every 20 minutes, take 20 seconds to look at an object 20 feet away.

Focusing on something else for even a few minutes helps reduce strain on your eyes. Plus, getting up or stretching could lower your risk of muscle fatigue and neck pain.

Try Blue Light Filtered Lenses

Blue light waves are found in sunlight and emitted from devices, which can contribute to eye fatigue and sleep disruption.

Wearing blue light glasses, or computer glasses that block excessive blue light, could improve symptoms of digital eye strain when using your computer, tablet, or phone, or watching TV.

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